
3Digital by De Zan Davide
Operational Headquarters and Sales Point :
Via Cervano 67/A
31020 San Pietro di Feletto, Treviso
Registered office :
Via Maset 31/B
31020 San Pietro di Feletto, Treviso
VAT number IT 05295090269
We are operational from Monday to Friday, from 8.30am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 6pm.

Commercial consultancy +39 0438 1693056 ( Elettra , our virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence, will answer you. Leave your request and you will be contacted by an operator shortly. If you urgently need to speak to someone immediately, just say "I want to speak to an operator ”, during opening hours.

Technical assistance and repairs visit this page
Pec: (receives only from certified addresses)

Fill out the form with your request