WHAT DOES DRONE DEFENSE MEAN? Simply put: you are protecting your airspace from drones that may enter it without your permission. Why do you need drone defense? Drone defense has...


WHAT DOES DRONE DEFENSE MEAN? Simply put: you are protecting your airspace from drones that may enter it without your permission. Why do you need drone defense? Drone defense has...


WHY USE DRONES IN AGRICULTURE? New generation agriculture. Precision farming is a game changer For centuries, farmers have walked their fields monitoring the health of their crops. It is a...


WHY USE DRONES IN AGRICULTURE? New generation agriculture. Precision farming is a game changer For centuries, farmers have walked their fields monitoring the health of their crops. It is a...

Come integrare i droni DJI nell’azienda -3Digital | Droni e Stampanti 3D

How to integrate DJI drones into the company

Not long ago, business leaders wondered if a DJI drone would be able to provide enough value for their work. Integrating these types of tools can be a challenge in...

How to integrate DJI drones into the company

Not long ago, business leaders wondered if a DJI drone would be able to provide enough value for their work. Integrating these types of tools can be a challenge in...

LiDAR VS. Fotogrammetria per indagini con droni -3Digital | Droni e Stampanti 3D

LiDAR VS. Photogrammetry for drone surveys

Drone detection has become increasingly popular in recent years. Aerial mapping with unmanned aircraft is helping teams gather valuable aerial information quickly, efficiently, safely and at an affordable price, while...

LiDAR VS. Photogrammetry for drone surveys

Drone detection has become increasingly popular in recent years. Aerial mapping with unmanned aircraft is helping teams gather valuable aerial information quickly, efficiently, safely and at an affordable price, while...

DJI Phantom 4 RTK – Il miglior drone per il rilievo delle costruzioni -3Digital | Droni e Stampanti 3D

DJI Phantom 4 RTK - The best drone for construc...

STRABAG employs the DJI Phantom 4 RTK for building survey to create precise 3D models The European motorway network extends for 80,000 km and crosses several countries. In 2017, Germany ranked second...

DJI Phantom 4 RTK - The best drone for construc...

STRABAG employs the DJI Phantom 4 RTK for building survey to create precise 3D models The European motorway network extends for 80,000 km and crosses several countries. In 2017, Germany ranked second...

Droni e DEMS vs DTMS vs DSMS -3Digital | Droni e Stampanti 3D

Drones and DEMS vs DTMS vs DSMS

Guide to digital terrain models, digital elevation models and digital surface models for surveying with drones: what they are, their differences, applications and how they can help LiDAR and photogrammetry...

Drones and DEMS vs DTMS vs DSMS

Guide to digital terrain models, digital elevation models and digital surface models for surveying with drones: what they are, their differences, applications and how they can help LiDAR and photogrammetry...