Incentives for the purchase of 3D printers Transition Plan 4.0
Incentives for the purchase of 3D printers Transition Plan 4.0

The National Transition Plan 4.0 , approved in 2020, provides for concessions in the form of a tax credit for purchases and investments made in 2023. These investments include 3D printers.
In 2023 the Tax credit up to 20% of the cost of the asset recoverable in just 3 years for investments of up to 2.5 million euros.
In practice, the real cost of the goods purchased is less than half the selling price!
What are the benefits provided by the Transition Plan 4.0?
The concessions concern different categories, namely: tangible and intangible assets 4.0 ; tangible and intangible assets ; technological innovation ; aesthetic design and conception ; and finally Training 4.0 .
Material goods 4.0
Concessions provided for by the 4.0 Transition Plan for 2023 And until 2025 :
- for expenses of less than 2.5 million euros: 20% rate ;
- for expenses exceeding 2.5 million euros and up to 10 million: 10% rate ;
- for expenses exceeding 10 million euros and up to 20 million: 5% rate .
How do you access the benefits?
For goods with a unit purchase cost not exceeding 300,000 euros, a declaration made by the legal representative is sufficient. In any case, it is necessary to ask the supplier of the goods to indicate on the invoice the reference to the law which provides for the concessions.
Which 3D printers are included in the Transition 4.0 Plan?
To access the tax credit, 3D printers and 3D scanners must be interconnected to the factory computer systems with remote loading of instructions and/or part programs and must have a simple and intuitive man-machine interface.
We at Ciano Shapes have been assisting our customers in choosing the printer or scanner that are part of the Transiation 4.0 plan since 2020, also assisting them in the bureaucratic phase.
Among the 3D printers included in the National Transition 4.0 Plan are printers Formlabs as a Form 3+ package basis or complete, Formlabs Form 3L package basis or business suit; the Mosaic and Meltio printers.