Powerful, reliable and flexible
MATERIAL CHANGE Up to 8 materials
Automatically changes mid-print.
HIGH TEMPERATURE Industrial Materials Print robust and functional 3D prints.
QUALITY RESULT Large build volume Build volume 350x350x350 mm
With a hot-end temperature. until at 500°C and a heated chamber, Element HT allows you to print high strength parts for the most demanding applications.
With a portal entirely in metal and a precision motion system, Element HT was developed with the reliability of the production level in his DNA.
The Element's 350x350x350mm build volume allows you to print up to 8 materials in a single part, including rigid, flexible , and soluble support material in your prints.
8 Materials, high temperature printing
Element HT gives you the flexibility to print with more materials , also allowing you to print durable and functional prints with industrial grade materials as:
- UItem9085
- Polycarbonate
Automated material change
Choose your material in Canvas , let your Element take care of the rest. Element it will automatically upload your material to allow you to focus on more important things.
Precision printing, every time
Automatic bed leveling ensures that the print head remains at the correct distance from the build bed, allowing for greater uniformity of prints.
Heated build chamber
Element HT's heated build chamber gives you the ability to print with the strongest materials on the market to ensure your parts can handle any application, from prototype to finished part.
Manage team workflow with Canvas
Control all your print workflows with Canvas. Prepare yours multi-material prints, starts and displays print status , beyond manage all your projects in one place.
Industry-leading support and service
Our customers always come first. Access high-level support , to the guarantee And to care plans Mosaic options to ensure your Element works for the years to come.